Sociologie matematiky: z centra dění na periferii
Sociologie matematiky: z centra dění na periferii
Pořádá Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti ve spolupráci s Ústavem filosofie a religionistiky FF UK.
SCIENTIAE seminars | Gábor Förköli: Commonplacing, Paroemiology, and Knowledge Management at the Lutheran Gymnasium of Strasbourg in the 1580s–90s
SCIENTIAE seminars | Gábor Förköli: Commonplacing, Paroemiology, and Knowledge Management at the Lutheran Gymnasium of Strasbourg in the 1580s–90s
SCIENTIAE seminars | Gábor Förköli: Commonplacing, Paroemiology, and Knowledge Management at the Lutheran Gymnasium of Strasbourg in the 1580s–90s.
SCIENTIAE seminars | Justyna Rogińska: Christina Kirch and the Silesian Calendar Monopoly (1745-1765): Examining Calendar Types, Their Circulation, and Revenue
SCIENTIAE seminars | Justyna Rogińska: Christina Kirch and the Silesian Calendar Monopoly (1745-1765): Examining Calendar Types, Their Circulation, and Revenue
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Oded Rabinovitch: Aristocratic Science and Book Publishing: The Case of Blaise-François, Comte de Pagan (1603–1665)
SCIENTIAE seminars | Oded Rabinovitch: Aristocratic Science and Book Publishing: The Case of Blaise-François, Comte de Pagan (1603–1665)
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Gábor Petneházi: The Dark Side of Catholic Enlightenment: Reinventing and Rationalizing Blood Libel at the Academia Taxiana (1741–1755)
SCIENTIAE seminars | Gábor Petneházi: The Dark Side of Catholic Enlightenment: Reinventing and Rationalizing Blood Libel at the Academia Taxiana (1741–1755)
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS.
SCIENTIAE seminars | Johanna Luggin Heavenly Travels, from Rome to Brazil: Baroque Imagination and Global Science in Valentin Stansel’s Uranophilus (1685)
SCIENTIAE seminars | Johanna Luggin Heavenly Travels, from Rome to Brazil: Baroque Imagination and Global Science in Valentin Stansel’s Uranophilus (1685)
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Stefano Gulizia: World Chronologies from China to Scandinavia: Christoph Helwig’s Theatrum (1609) and Thomas Bangius’s Caelum Orientis (1657)
SCIENTIAE seminars | Stefano Gulizia: World Chronologies from China to Scandinavia: Christoph Helwig’s Theatrum (1609) and Thomas Bangius’s Caelum Orientis (1657)
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS.
SCIENTIAE seminars | Veronika Čapská: Multiperspectivity and the Conceptualisation of Gifts, (In)equality, Social Order and Generosity in the Works of Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670)
SCIENTIAE seminars | Veronika Čapská: Multiperspectivity and the Conceptualisation of Gifts, (In)equality, Social Order and Generosity in the Works of Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670)
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Michal Choptiany: Reforming Calendar and World Chronology in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: The Case of Joannes Latosinus
SCIENTIAE seminars | Michal Choptiany: Reforming Calendar and World Chronology in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: The Case of Joannes Latosinus
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Ewa Zakrzewska: Desiderata, or Experimental Wish List: A Case Study in Information Architecture and Principles of Collaborative Inquiry in the Early Royal Society
SCIENTIAE seminars | Ewa Zakrzewska: Desiderata, or Experimental Wish List: A Case Study in Information Architecture and Principles of Collaborative Inquiry in the Early Royal Society
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS